Cosmetology School Air Cleaner—5 Reason Every School Should Have One

Cosmetology school at its best is about modeling good practices so that students can enjoy a long and enjoyable career. Understanding what to do with chemicals and how those chemicals affect hair, nails, skin, and the air they breathe is crucial

And setting the example by using an air purifier to eliminate fumes will speak volumes to them about how important you thing clean air is. Here are 5 reasons every cosmetology school needs an air purifier.

Set A Good Example—Students will learn from the things you tell them. But they will remember more about the things you do. Telling them about the chemicals and their best uses is great. And telling them about the fumes they produce is great too.

But being a good role model by actively removing the fumes with an air purifier says the most about how important you as an instructor and the school as a whole really think this issue is.

Once students have experienced how clean the air can smell when it’s filtered, they’ll never want to go back to breathing unhealthy air. A greater percentage of students who are lucky enough to have their air filtered in school are likely to do the same when they are on their own. And even if they work in someone else’s space, they will know better than to put themselves in harm’s way by breathing air that is not filtered.

Safeguard Health of Students And Staff—Generally the age of the student in class is fairly young. If you are teaching such a class your experience in the field makes you all to aware of how breathing air heavy with fumes can adversely affect health.

By filtering the air when procedures are being done, you are letting the cleaner take the fumes out of the air rather than the lungs and liver of your students.

Be A Good Neighbor—Many times classes are held inside a regular school or at a technical school where other trades are taught. Left unfiltered the chemical odor can circulate throughout the building leaving the auto mechanic, industrial arts, and home economics teachers complaining about the smell.

And even if your school is in a mall or a professional office building, if you share heating and air conditioning; it can put other businesses in a tough spot to have to try to get rid of odors that they are not creating. Imagine owning a business next to the school and being powerless to stop the odor from coming into your space.

Filtering the air 24 hours a day with an air cleaner that is specifically designed to remove volatile organic chemicals that evaporate so easily at room temperature is a proactive and effective way to handle the problem. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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