They are black spots on the skin that occurs due to excess deposition of oil (sebaceous glands that produce sebum), dead skin, dust, bacteria and other impurities. Comdones pimples or clogged pores and dark spots that appear on the nose, back, chest, etc.
Black spots are believed to be a form of acne that appear on the skin surface and easily reacts with atmospheric oxygen as a result, its color changes to black.
No oil tank too (secreted by the sebaceous glands) on the surface of the skin and the pores of the skin as a result get stuck. Black spots appear on the surface of the skin where the skin area prone to dust and other impurities are present and debris. Men and women of any age can be a victim of the Blackheads.
Blackheads or open comedones, are follicles that are larger than the opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum (secretion of the sebaceous glands) and got rid of the cells. They have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in oxidation of the pigment melanin in the dead skin cells. This gives the material in the typical black hair color.
Black heads are common not only in the face, but in the back, chest and other areas that are rich in sebaceous glands. Compression may seem an easy task, but not the last resort. Here are the best home remedies to help you.
The key to skin care for acne is consistency. An overnight cure has not been found. But using good methods of skin care helps the daily and constant improvement of health of the follicle. Since acne is not caused by eating certain foods, dietary restriction is not useful.
It is also caused by “dirty” skin, excessive washing does not help and may even make the skin more irritated.
Usually blackheads are the result of oily skin and clogged pores. After a warm bath the face should be splashed with cold water.
In a pan add 5-6 cups of water and add the juice of 1 lemon. Remove from heat when the water boils. Place on a table and cover your head with a towel, steam the face.
Home Remedies for Pimples
1. The application of a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of cinnamon is also beneficial in the natural treatment of the Blackheads. Turmeric powder can also be added to this mixture. For best results, follow this natural remedy for pimples around 15 days.
2. Make a paste adding a little rose water in oatmeal or almond powder. Rub the paste therapy in affected areas and leave for 15 minutes. Finally wash it off. This is one of the most effective natural home remedies to get rid of pimples.
3. Apply a paste made from radish seeds powder and a little water helps to remove blackheads naturally.
4. Apply a mixture of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey is one of the most popular home remedies for pimples on the skin.
5. The simple application of warm honey for 15 minutes is also one of the most common home remedies pimples very beneficial arrangement. Can also be used as an exfoliant at home when used in combination with sugar.
6. Take a few pods and drumstick leaves and soil. Then add a few drops of lemon on the chicken leg powder and apply this mixture on the affected areas as a natural remedy for pimples.
7. Lemon juice can also be used in combination with peanut oil as a remedy for acne and pimples good home.
8. Daily apply a puree of fresh tomatoes in the affected areas in order to cure this problem. This is one of the simplest natural home remedies for pimples on the nose and face